
Showing posts with the label Know the how

KiKuu Order Stages

If you are reading this then my guess is you are new on KiKUU or its your first time buying and you have no idea about their order stages. If I guessed right, give me a smile. And if I didn’t, give me a knock…okay just realized you can’t see my head so let’s dig into the real deal instead. KiKUU order stages are short and rather simple and gives you a fair idea about where your product is and the state it’s in. There are only four stages: that is after you’ve placed your order and have made payment. When you open the KiKUU app you’ll see a bar at the bottom of your screen. There are five (5) icons displayed on this bar: Home, Categories, Shopping, Cart and My KiKUU.  First select the My KiKUU icon, a new page will be opened up for you. Tap on “In Transit (Shipping)” it will bring up a page listing all the products you’ve ordered. Now in the upper right corner you will see “Awaiting Confirmation,” in other words, KiKUU is waiting for a confirmation from you indicating that you...